To see the “what should I read?” feature in action
please go to the ISCE Library (http://isce-library.net)
and login in with the following demo account:
User Name is: kickstarter@isce.edu
Password is: Library
Please have a query of a few hundred words or more (in the
fields of cognition, philosophy of science, systems science, or
organization studies) ready to upload as the basis of your
- Login
- Upload Text
- Generating Results
- Saving Results
- Concept Searches
- Word Searches
- External Searches
To begin a full text query login and then click the "My
Research" link located to the left of the "logout" button.
Upload Text
Rather than making use of keywords as the source of queries, the
"my research" link in the ISCE Library allows a researcher to
copy and paste up to 100k of text.
Not But instead
After the text of the query is pasted in, the "generate
concepts and tags" button is clicked.
The uploaded text is analyzed for its key concepts and for its
most important words. Theses key concepts and words are
then compared to the key concepts and important words used in
the more than 1000 books to be found in the ISCE Library.
Only those concepts and words which are found in BOTH the query
text and the books in the ISCE Library are then returned as
results of the search query.
Query results are returned as lists of key
concepts along the left hand side of the page and as a
word cloud in the middle of the page.
Should a researcher desire to save a query that option is
Click on the link provided for each concept
and those books in the library which also contain the same
concept are displayed.
For researchers these results provide instant access to the key
concepts of their query which can be researched in the ISCE
Library and the actual list of books in the Library which are
suggested to be read.
Click on the link provided for a word and those books in the
library which also contain the same important word are
Note the important words are actually sorted and displayed with
regard to "50 page chunks" of each book and not the book
as a whole. The size of the word in the word cloud reflects its
relative importance in the query text or of the 50 page chunk of
a book as appropriate. These results provide instant
access to the important words of their query ( limited to those
which can be researched in the ISCE Library) and the actual list
of books in the Library which are suggested to be read.
If the user is curious about other resources on the web which
may be related to their query at the bottom of the word cloud
are to links to "feed" either the key concepts or the ten most
important words (from the cloud) to Google